
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Roll over, roll over

A while back Janine asked me if Stella has rolled yet....which got me thinking. Stella hates lying flat on her back, because of the reflux I think. But I decided to try and let her spend as much time on her back as possible, so that she can get used to it. She's much better now, and as for the rolling, well she's making rapid progress!

At first it started with a roll onto her side.....

Then the other day, I put her down quickly while I went to pack the car for work, and I came back to find her like this:

...on the edge of the coffee table!!!
OK! No more putting her down on the coffee table, or any elevated surface for that matter. Bad mommy. I am so proud though :)


  1. Gosh Tess!!! Luckily she was still on the table! Your heart must have skipped a beat! This little poppet is growing up so quickly!
