
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

World cup fever

We're gettig ready for the World Cup at school. Have the group tables and everything sorted. 8 days to go, yipppeeeeeeee!


  1. Hi Tess

    Our Gr. 3's did a soccer theme today. At the school every Friday is World Cup Soccer Friday and they all allowed to come in Bafana shirts. The spirit is amazing, and all learning areas revolve around the world cup. For comprehension they had to choose a favourite SA player and write a about him etc...its good cause its getting the kids to know the Bafana team and not just famous overseas players! Anyway so today they divided the desks into different countries with the flags and they made the kids "purchase" "tickets" and they had to represent the tickets to come in and out of classroom....they were loving pretending to be at a soccer match...everything is World Cup Soccer crazy here!!!!!

  2. aaah megs, i'm so jealous. wish i could be at home now :( trying my best to create some world cup spirit, luckily lots of my friends love soccer and we are all really excited for the world cup!
